Group Sessions
Online & In person
Vision Quest Breathwork
This Group work is a meeting with the essence of our life.
Breathing, expressing and feeling together, we witness and are being witnessed in what it truly means to be human.
With music, movement and meditation we surrender to the breath of life.
Healing Workshops
When healing shines bright in a human being, the collective is also healing.
This synergy is the basis of these workshops, in which group coherence is medicine.
Shadows, the inner child and traumas are welcomed in a safe container, where love is the foundation.
Men’s Circle & Brotherhood Retreats
There is a real Call for the Sacred Masculine.
This comes from deep within every man.
A voice that breaks a shell, a tear that softens a rough skin, a heart that beats in love.
Man is not lost, since the silence is over.
Man is not alone, since he seeks brotherhood.
Man is not apathetic, since his vulnerability is his power.
These encounters are self-explanatory, for when we meet in Brotherhood we remember the real meaning of being a Man.
Shamanic Rituals
We lost our contact with the Great Spirit a long time ago.
Yes, I mean the spirits and the subtle worlds.
This magic of the unknown that brings us together with the vision of Grandfather Fire, the Grace of Father Sky, the support of Mother Earth and all the other elements.
These Rituals help us to find the connection with these worlds, mainly this Great Mystery which is life.